Top 3 Health Goals of My Clients

Every patient has their own personal health goals. What do they want to see? What do they want to achieve with their interventions? Why are they doing this? What would success look like?


Every patient has their own personal health goals. What do they want to see? What do they want to achieve with their diet interventions? Why are they doing this? What would success look like?

“List your top 3 health goals”

That’s the first question I ask in my assessment form at beginning of the onboarding. Below are the actual anonymized responses I’ve received from members over the year. The responses are in alphabetical order so you can see some common themes and challenges.

Take a look at the responses.

Do any of these goals resonate with you?

What are your top 3 health goals?

What would life look like for you if you achieved one of them?

What if you achieved all 3 goals!

This is the power of dietary and lifestyle interventions. My programs and protocols help you to identify roadblocks and break down hurdles. I then offer a step-by-step roadmap for you to implement specific interventions that help you to reach your own health goals. The first step is defining what they are.

Act on this

  1. Browse through the goals shown below.
  2. Consider what might be your top 3 health goals.
  3. Add your comments at the bottom of this post.

The first step I take is to align your interventions with your health goals. That’s how you stop spinning in circles and instead start moving forward.

Health goals of patients I have supported over the years…

Achieve remission from Crohn’s
Achieve remission, ideally not requiring biologics or prednisone
achieve sustainable dietary modifications that will still allow me to eat with my family, go out to eat, travel etc
Address dysbiosis with causing SIBO/SIFO symptoms
Anemia of chronic disease (low RBC, low hemoglobin hematocrit) normal iron studies Low protien, low calcium
be able exercise normally and run on my own accord without interference
Be able to engage in cardio activity again
Be able to enjoy food again
Be able to have fully formed bowel movements
Be able to live a normal life without feeling like my symptoms control me
be fully functional and back normal without excuse
Be in best possible nutritional health
be in remission of Ulcerative Colitis and have a lifestyle that makes it stay like that forever
Be ready for travel after Covid
Be well enough to continue to live in St Lucia and keep on with our work as missionaries Eg not need to return to Canada for special care
Better sleep pattern
Build muscle
Chrons Disease
Clinical remission of Crohn’s Disease
Clinical remission without medication
Consistent exercise routine
Continue to gain muscle
Control food allergies and inflammation in body
Control my symptoms
Cook more
Cook more
Create a healthy well rounded diet that allows me to get the nutrition I need
Create a system that allows for me to eat appropriate foods as conveniently as possible
Crohn’s management
Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s Remission and Healing
Cultivate a solid enough base for my own health so that I feel safe and motivated to help others achieve their own health goals
Decrease my symptoms
Determine sustainable dietary menu that supports above and maintains healthy weight
Develop a healthy nutritional plan that works for my personal schedule, fits my physical needs and  is easily repeatable
Develop lifetime guidelines for optimal health based on my specific needs
Digest foods I haven’t been able to before
Digestive Issues – diarrhea/constipation
Digestive issues (bloating, gas, stomach burn’)
Eat a clean fresh diet
Eat better
Eat better
Eating to reduce inflammation (blood,mucus, urgency)
Eating to sustain breastfeeding newborn
Effects of diet on Crohn’s flares
Eliminate bloating
Eliminate intestinal inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease
Eliminate, or significantly reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis
Energy level
Expand diet without causing symptoms
Expand/reintroduce foods into diet that are minimally invasive
Explore what foods do/don’t cause a reaction when eaten
Extremely active ready to hike and ski again
Fatigue/ weakness
Feel good
Feel healthy
Feel healthy overall like I used to
Feel mentally and emotionally healthy
Feel well physically and mentally
Fertility / future pregnancies
Fewer BMs
Fewer food sensitivities
Fibromyalgia (inflammation)
Figuring how my diet is contributing to my UC flare-ups so that I can make reliable, informed, worry-free daily decisions about what I eat
Find a long-term solution to GI issues so this doesn’t happen again
Find healthier food options
Find out what foods are good to eat and which foods to avoid for my condition
Finding foods that are satisfying and mentally help me
Fix my inflamation and digestive system issues
FODMAPs are still extremely limited, would like to overcome that
food allergies
Food choices when symptoms are worse
Freedom from Remicade through diet I want to succeed on the SCD and get off this medication
gain strength, improve my blood pressure, improve iron count,  and no pain in my rectal area
Gain weight
Gain weight
Gain weight
Gain weight
gain weight and muscle mass and look healthy
Gain weight and retain it Goal is 95lb+
Gas/bloating/cramps/bleeding with BM
Get back to a place where my body feels strong and healthy daily
get healthy enough to start trying for a baby in the next few years
Get into remission
Get more energy
get my ulcerative colitis in remission in whatever way works so that I can feel well again (Being strictly med-free is a non-goal)
Get my ulcerative colitis into remission
get some consistent energy back so I can live my life and not struggle & push get through each day do otherwise normal things
Good snack foods
Have a balanced diet that works with my body and needs
Have a balanced diet where I can limit flare ups
Have a better Diet
Have a clear understanding of the foods and drink I can eat and the ones I have to avoid
Have a strategy to quickly heal from a flare/hiccup from eating a trigger food Maybe like some supplement before/after eating trigger food
have all the knowledge about diet and having a large variety of foods
Have energy for exercise
Have energy to get back to weight training  Maybe even bulk up
Have less frequent discomfort after meals
Have more ease with eating and food choices
Heal gut
Heal my colon
Heal my gut
Heal my gut and understand how my microbiome functions
Heal/Manage UC via diet
Healthy nutrition for Celiac patients, gluten free diet, increase energy levels, reduce fatigue
Healthy weight
Healthy weight management
Help in recovering from resection
How to deal with this condition from a working professional perspective
How to help manage my Crohns
I am able to eat the diet (I get very nauseous) and my body accepts the diet (decreases my inflammation)
I am on mesalamine and Azathioprine now without full remission I would like to be on remission with just the mesalamine and supplements
I do not want to loss my energy and having faint
I do not want to loss the hair
I want to achieve clinical remission in preparation for my pregnancy and to start a family
I want to get off meds
I want to learn about the best foods for my diet and the best vitamins
identify a long-term sustainable nutrition plan keep me healthy, at a good weight (1
If I continue to use pharmaceuticals won’t those make it difficult to determine the impact that diet is having?
Implementing a diet that will help achieve remission from Crohn’s
Improve lifestyle
improve sleep and stress levels
Improved symptoms
Improvement in symptoms
In general be a healthy man, and especially having a balanced microbiome
incorporate a nutritional plan that allows me live a healthy & active lifestyle without relying on medication
Increase energy
Increase fiber and vegetables
Increased energy & concentration
Insufficient calorie uptake to support my weight
Joint ache (neck, knee, lower back)
Learn how to plan and execute nutritious meals that will help heal my gut
Learn how to properly implement SCD – never seems to work 
Learn long term treatment/care for myself instead of taking or doing what will only temporarily help
Learning when and what to eat for my best health
Less joint pain
Less stomach discomfort
Lifestyle change to manage weight
Live a life free of constant GI discomfort and pain
Live well enough to not have another fistula and need surgery for it
Loss of bone due to Crohn’s disease
Loss of weight/muscle
Lower blood pressure
Lower Cholesterol and other blood work indicators of poor health
maintain a predominantly plant-based diet, but need major expansion / exploration at this time
Maintain gut health as I achieve it
Maintain normal labs on an ongoing basis and ensure ongoing remission
Maintain weight
make needed changes to manage the disease and not let it impact my lifestyle
Make SCD pleasurable minimize the impact of the SCD on my ability to eat out and sharing meals with others
manage crohns disease primarily through diet and lifestyle and not use biologics or meds
Manage my IBS and colitis with diet as much as possible
Meal planning, how to avoid cravings, Identifying the foods that triggers my symptoms, and to lessen use of medication
Minimize bloating/gas
More energy
more energy
More energy to enjoy life to the full
Mucosal healing and weight gain
Need a healthy way to address diarrhea and constipation issues when in a flare/setback
No bathroom disruptions during work
Not having to go on a biologic
Not sure if there are other nutritional approaches I should be taking that I am not doing already
Nutrition and wellness with a Jpouch
Ongoing optimum general health
physically feeling better
Preventing obstruction related to several colonic strictures
Rebuild Microbiome
Reduce inflammation in my colon
Reduce LDL Cholesterol without GI discomfort
Reduce or reverse production of Thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO)
Reduce severe urgency
Reduce SRB bacteria in gut
Reduce stomach discomfort after eating
Reducing inflammation in my colon
Regain the weight I lost
Regulate bowel movements
Relief from chronic diarrhea
Relief of gas and bloating specially at night
Remain on SCD
REMISSION and feeling better
Remission through diet control/ avoid surgery
Remove body ache and pains (chest, hands, head, neck and back) caused due to auto immune condition
resolution of GI symptoms
Resolve chronic GI issues – alleviate pain/burning
Resolve other health issues that have come about because of UC
Retrain my body and mind to accept healthy food
SCD Diet
Shaking, tremors, extreme fatigue, joint and muscle pain, nausea Following infliximab infusion and 6 months steroids
SIBO recurrence
Sleep well
Sleep well
Sleepiness, tiredness, foggy thinking
Stay fit
Stay healthy
Still having freedom to eat a variety of foods
Stool control- no diarrhea
Stop C Diff from recurring
Stop having diarrhea
stop over-eating feel satisfied after having eaten, rather than be thinking about and/or reaching for food in between meals
Stop stomach pains and bleeding
Strengthened adrenals and more energy running – I’m currently burnt out
Supplement and vitamin efficiency
Surf in the early morning
Surgery recovery
Travel internationally
UC remission
UC remission
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis symptoms
Ulcerative colitis/crohns colitis
Uncomfortable, unpredictable, sometimes painful bowels, along with occasional bile reflux
Understand possible food triggers
Understand specifically which foods make me feel good and which foods make me feel bad by causing inflammation and active IBD
Understand what kinds of food heal me and that are bad for me Now i know few foods are good and bad but don’t know about the neutral-majority
Understanding food triggers
Unsure if certain foods are causing an issue that is not immediately noticeable
UTIs/ Bowel Pain Syndrome – believe tied in to digestive issues and ph
Weight gain
weight loss
Weight loss would be nice
What can I eat sometimes?
What food to eat on a daily basis
What should I eat?
What should I not eat?
What supplements and herbs help to control symptoms and how they may interact with medication
Why the differences between SCD, IBD-AID, and AIP diets which all seemingly have similar goals
Work on overcoming my fears and phobias surrounding food
work out what is causing what symptom wise ie crohns vs BAM vs IBS vs fibromyalgia versus osteoporosis vs migraines then treat and manage
Would like more energy
Would like to get rid of my heartburn
Would like to get rid of my tiredness, more sleep

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Picture of Ali Arjomand, PhD

Ali Arjomand, PhD