Get started with


High Impact | No Nonsense | Continuous Support

Personally led and guided by Dr Ali Arjomand

Health & Wellness Expert with a Focus on Gut Health and Whole-Body Wellness

Tailored Solutions

Tailored nutrition, diet, and lifestyle remedies designed just for you​. I will continually update and revise your plan in real time so you can reach your best health! 

Limitless Support

Unlimited number of 1-on-1 virtual support sessions with Dr Ali Arjomand, follow-up appointments, chat communication, and phone check-ins.

Monthly Packages

Select from my 3, 6 or 12 month programs to transform your health and wellbeing. I'll be with you every step of this journey to ensure your success!

Concierge Personal Care Programs are for individuals seeking to make informed, effective, and practical changes to their entire health and lifestyle routine. Concierge Care is based on an integrated set of health and wellness services aimed at helping you reach your best health and wellness. 

My services are based on a wide array of dietary, nutritional, and lifestyle modifications. I will formulate, prioritize, and support you implement these modifications every step of the way.

Ultimate success requires continuous support, supervision, and interaction. And that’s only possible with a concierge model of care services. I will help you to decide on the plan that meets your needs. These are typically a 3, 6, or 12 month programs designed to deal with your immediate concerns, address your underlying health condition, and then support you on your journey to a remarkable transformation of your health and wellness.

We will collaborate to develop a customized plan that helps you to reach your personal health goals. To get there, we will meet often, in a limitless capacity, to discuss every aspect of your health, your daily routine, your challenges, your questions and concerns, and to uncover and implement remedies that work for you. 

Keep in mind, concierge care members don’t pay for each session, or each appointment, or my attention, or my supervision. We will meet as often as needed to focus on your needs and progress.

I will empower you to make well-informed choices regarding your diet and daily routine. I will help you to incorporate a diverse range of foods and a set of integrated remedies that offer the greatest benefits to you. They will be compatible with your needs, abilities, and capacity to make change. They will not challenge you beyond your abilities. They will be satisfying and enjoyable. They will help you feel better now, not down the road.

My comprehensive nutrition, diet and lifestyle services have helped hundreds of others transform their lives through education, effective remedies, and unwavering support. My clients leave my programs equipped with the necessary tools and resources to maintain their progress and to continue to thrive in the future.

Unlike many other health practitioners you may have encountered, I will not ask you to purchase diagnostic tests or specialty supplements. These products and services are invalid, misleading, and serve the needs of everyone but you. That’s not how I work. My interests are completely aligned with your health and wellbeing. Once enrolled, you will not be surprised with additional costs, unnecessary charges, invalid lab test, or expensive supplements.

Get started now with Concierge Personal Care. I will guide you as you take charge of your health and uncover the most effective approaches for your health and overall well-being. 

Fully Virtual High-Touch Telehealth Care

Personalized Action Plan & Continuous Updates

In-depth Kickoff Session
& Goal Setting

Unlimited Progress Review Sessions

Unlimited Phone Check-ins & Q&A Support

Ongoing Private Chat Support

Tailored Recipes
& Meal Plans
& Nutrient Analysis

Clinical App
& Client Portal
& Food/Symptom Logger

Same-day Bookings and Priority Access to Dr Ali Arjomand

No crazy supplement protocols

No expensive & invalid lab tests

Proven success from hundreds of other patients

Steps to Healing & Recovery

A possible sequence you may follow in your healing journey

Step 1
Modify Foods and Eating Patterns
Step 2
Eliminate Food-Borne Symptoms
Heartburn / Nausea / Vomiting / Belching

Gas & Bloating / Belching / Flatulence

Tummy grumbling / Headache / Skin reactions
Step 3
Replensih Missing Nutrients
Step 4
Support Tissue Healing
Step 5
Recover from Disease Symptoms
Abdominal Cramping / Urgency

Diarrhea Constipation

GI Bleeding / Mucus in Stool
Step 6
Expand & Diversify Foods
Step 7
Adjust Lifestyle Factors
Step 8
Expand & Diversify Foods
Step 9
Shut Down Body Symptoms
Joint Pain / Back Pain

Body Pain / Fatigue / Anemia

Malnutrition / Anxiety
Step 10
Move On, Naturally Transformed
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What is Concierge Care?

Modulla Health offers a unique, all-virtual, concierge model of services. Concierge care is new. It is not a fee-for-service model of care you already have. It is not a pre-paid bundle of services packaged for you to track and use carefully.

Concierge care is a value-based model of care. That means support and services are not billed each time you use them. As a concierge care member, you benefit from extremely high level of support and high-touch support. It is ideal for people who need to overcome an intractable health condition that is hard to address through standard medical care.

Your current healthcare on offers a fee-for-service, 15-mintue appointment model of care. It is not really designed to help with the kinds of health conditions you are living with. Not with any level of medical success or patient satisfaction.

The concierge members who have gone through my programs achieve more steady progress, feel more accountable for their actions, and benefit from unlimited support and guidance throughout the health journey.

How does Concierge Care work?

Anyone interested in membership to my concierge program first holds a complementary strategy consult with me. We will discuss your health status, your health goals, commitment to make change, and more… all aimed at ensuring concierge membership is the right option for you. This complimentary consulting session is a required part of my screening and enrollment step (request a complimentary consult here).

Limitless Support
Once enrolled, you receive an unlimited number of 1-on-1 sessions with me along with other benefits to help you reach your health goals. Membership also means no long waiting time. Appointments are typically available within a day or two.

Action Plan
During the onboarding month, I will personally work with you to perform a deep exploration of your condition, your habits, your foods and eating pattern, lifestyle, supplements, etc. I will then develop a personalized Action Plan to guide you on your healing journey. Your Action Plan is revised and updated in real time each time we meet. That way, it captures accurate and timely information and serves as your body’s ‘owner’s manual’.

Each time we meet, I will present you with three or four specific microtasks to implement. A microtask may be the removal of specific foods or ingredients for a short period of time. It may be the introduction of new supplement to support a specific goal. It may be a lifestyle modification such as improved sleep, a tool to better manage stress, or a new form of physical activity that works for you.

All our sessions are held using a simple but powerful HIPAA-compliant telehealth portal and mobile app. Your care platform also allows you to log your symptoms, report food intake pattens, complete assigned tasks, and stay connected between sessions. You can also use a private chat line to reach me directly. I will ask you to share your progress, send me your questions, or seek immediate help if you are in a downward spiral.

During the following weeks and months, I will provide you with a limitless level of support, guidance, supervision, encouragement, motivation, troubleshooting, tips, tricks, or any other remedy that helps to move you forward with your plan. Again, there are no time limits or scheduling rules.

Concierge services are completely customizable. I will tailor your plan around your preferences, lifestyle, habits, and any constraints. You can choose to go fast or slow. You can ask for a strict level of coaching and be held accountable for your actions. Or you can ask for a firm but friendly approach if that is more suited to your needs. I will ensure you are making progress with your microtasks and overall plan.

Near the end of your membership program, I will plan your offboarding steps, including creating a summary of your interventions, foods, supplements, and future actions you can implement when you reach that point.

Next Steps
Membership doesn’t end at the end of the program cycle. I will invite you to join my invite-only community support program. You can remain in touch and continue to receive education, resources, group support, and access to me if and when needed.

Program Lengths
You can decide to enroll in either the 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month program based on the severity of your condition and your individual health goals. Examples of what members can expect to acheive with each program is shwon below…

3 Month Program

Understand your condition

Identify compatible foods

Enjoy new foods & recipes

See real symptom reduction

Address nutrient gaps

Follow a personalized Action Plan

6 Month Program

Expand your tolerated foods

Measurable improvement to labs

Improved gut health ecology

Eliminate intestinal symptoms

Better energy and mood

12 Month Program

Resiliency to remain healthy

Remission in IBD

Broad food range in IBS & SIBO

Weight normalization in IBD

Whole body wellness

Feel fabulous again!

Capped Enrollment
To ensure current concierge members receive my time and full attention, I cap the number of new members who can enroll into my concierge program each month. This allows me to provide an unmatched level of quality and service to existing members.

I encourage you to reach me as soon as possible if you want to get started now, or want to learn more about my concierge program before making a decision. I want to help you avoid being placed on a waiting list or dealing with unnecessary delays as you strive to recapture your health and wellbeing.
How do I get started?

The first step is to schedule a complementary strategy consult with me, Dr Ali Arjomand. This is a required part of the screening process and will ensure that you will benefit from concierge care.  Let’s meet online. Bring your questions and get answers to my program information, fees, and more.

Request a complimentary consult here

Read concierge member testimonials here

Your first step…

Schedule your
complimentary consult with
Dr Ali Arjomand

This is a prerequisite step before enrollment.

Go as far as you want with

3, 6, or 12-month programs

How it works..

First, we'll take a deep dive into your situation and health goals

You then begin to implement your personalized 'Action Plan'

You'll make simple, smart changes to what you eat and to specific areas of your lifestyle, with my help

I'll track your progress and update your plan in real time

We'll schedule frequent sessions, especailly in the beginning, to make sure you get off to a great start

I'll make sure you stay on track, motivate you when needed, and expand your program as you heal and feel noticeably better

I won't require you to take expensive & unscientific tests or buy supplements that financially benefit me. I am on your side in this health jounrey.

Is concierge care right for you?​

Based on my real-world experience, clients who are most satisfied with the pace and amount of progress they are able to make are also the ones who maintain a regular sequence of follow-up sessions with me. That is why I may recommend one of the following packages to maximally support you and your goals.

Concierge Care Programs are for you if…

✓ You have a specific gut condition or diagnosis (IBD, IBS, Celiac, SIBO)

✓ You are willing to make the time and effort to implement the gut health makeover recommendations offered to you

✓ Your timeline for success is measured in months (this is not an overnight remedy)

✓ You need close supervision and don’t want to pay each time you need support, have questions, or stuck with your next move

Your first step to gut health begins here...

Let's meet online to discuss your needs

Which concierge program is right for you?
How much does it cost?
How can I get started?

Use my scheduling calendar below to book a free Complimentary Initial Consult & Discussion. This is a prerequisite step before enrollment. It gives us a chance to meet online and helps to ensure you are making the right choices for your health. There is no obligation to enroll or take any further action.Â